We are strengthening our ranks even within the management

NEVITEL, a.s. is determined to strengthen its market position and motivate its staff to increase performance by a reorganisation of the company, change in management and employment of new professionals.

The aim of simplifying the organisational structure, making competencies transparent and boosting teamwork at a company level is to motivate employees by creating a constructive working atmosphere and space for self-fulfilment. Simplifying the working procedures aims to improve the performance of individuals and thereby increase productivity.

“I express my joy and belief that the new management - thanks to its human values ​​and professional experience - will be an example and incentive for all employees. We are proud of the team of experts, which is more than professional: it comprises enthusiastic people whose knowledge, diligence and loyalty help them to perform their assignments at the top level” – said Mgr. Szilvia Néveri Varagya, CEO and President of the Board of Directors. Ing. Július Varga became the Deputy CEO for Strategy and Development, Ing. Robert Klein becomes the Head of the Pre-implementation Activities Team, and from September, Ing. Tibor Ágh is Leader of the Implementation Team, while the Administration and Finance Team will work under the direction of Mgr. EnikőStruhárová.

"Almost half of our employees are ambitious professionals under the age of 35, and NEVITEL, a.s. has long relied on experienced professionals from the telecommunications field. The company has a high educational level, since more than 50 per cent of our employees have a higher education qualification” – Néveri Varagya added.

NEVITEL, a.s. has operated in the telecommunications market for nearly 20 years. During this time it has become one of the most reliable suppliers for mobile operators, as well as other companies operating telecommunications networks. NEVITEL, a.s. provides comprehensive activities from the proposal through to the construction of telecommunications base stations, radio links, telecommunications line buildings, data centres, engineering services, installation of technologies and maintenance of mobile and fixed telephone and data networks in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. Currently it has 32 ​​permanent employees, and more than 100 external partners and suppliers.